Financial Services

Gather information from diverse data sources to fulfill the financial requirements of an organization or individual.

Instantly Compile Financial Data

Faster go-to market

Launch quickly within hours and ease integration concerns with our plug-and-play APIs & SDKs.

Quick Onboarding

Automatically extracting data from users' KYC documents expedites and streamlines the onboarding process.

Reduce Frauds

Verify User Identity and mitigate financial fraud by utilizing data sourced from Credit Bureaus.

Types of Data Pull APIs

Credit Bureau APIs

A credit bureau is an agency that collects information related to the credit ratings of individuals and makes it available to financial companies, banks, and other legal authorities.

Bureaus provide APIs for 2 types of pulls - Hard & Soft

Better Lending Decisions

Credit Reports pulled can be used to verify users’ cthiness which helps make better-informed decisions

Customer Data Pull APIs

Seamless User Verification

Financial service providers can search and download KYC records with ease and access them after authentication

Reduced Time for Verification

No need to conduct various KYC checks by centralizing the process and reducing turnaround time on KYC

other services

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Develop financial applications effortlessly with our pre-built suite of APIs and SDKs.


Automate Lending Decisions, Minimize Risk


One Scalable Record System for All Platform Transactions and Balances

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your financial journey?